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Kids Try 2 Wheels Workshop for 5-10yr olds
Kids Try 2 Wheels Workshop for 5-10yr olds



Location is TBD

Kids Try 2 Wheels Workshop for 5-10yr olds

Skilled and experienced Instructor to assist parents with supporting children ride a bike with confidence.

Registration is closed
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2023年1月11日 17:00 – 17:30

Location is TBD


Kids try 2 wheels workshop is for children between 5- 10yrs using training wheels/stabilisers or progressing from a balance/glide bike and needing to build confidence to pedal a bike by themself. The workshop is delivered in small groups to focus on children's individual needs. Opportunity for families to socialise, and learn about bike safety and places to ride in  Greater Parramatta.

30-minute Active Fun includes the use of our bikes and equipment, starting with group safety checks and finishing with celebrating small wins, even if it means handling a bike without sitting on it.

A bike library membership is available for taking bikes home to further build skills and confidence.


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